A Propos

Jérôme DERN

Jérôme DERN est un ingénieur spécialisé dans l'informatique embarqué, la cyber sécurité, la qualité logicielle, et les méthodes de développement.
A ses heures perdues il aime le Do It Yourself (mouvement Faite-le-vous-même), l’électronique, l’Intelligence artificielle, la torréfaction du café, le dessin, la peinture à l’huile, l’impression 3D, le développement python, et la culture asiatique.
Il a écrit deux livres « Logiciels embarqués - Viser l'excellence dans le développement » aux édition ENI et un autre en Anglais « Embedded Software: Striving for excellence in development » tous deux disponibles sur Amazon.
Il anime une petite chaine YouTube en Français « Ca Vous Intéresse » sur l’I.A., la technologie, la vie privée et tout ce qui l’intéresse.
Il est parle dans des conférences et donne des cours de cyber sécurité et de vie privée dans des écoles d’ingénieur. Il a une passion pour l’explication de chose compliquée le plus simplement possible.

Bio (English)

CyberSecurity Metier Manager 2019-Today
Improvement of cyber methodology, ASPICE for Cyber, Threat an Vulnerability analysis, Incident Management,

Conformity matrix for RFQs, pen tests management, code reviews, factory security (key management, flashing), TISAX,

Valeo Champion for GDPR, UNECE R155, ISO/SAE 21434.

Products: Hand-Free Systems, Virtual key, Telematics units, eCalls, and Remote controller. In-house trainer,

Engineering School Lecturer.

Management of a Team of Cyber Security Engineers in architecture & software design in China, Germany, Chennai and France.

CyberSecurity Expert and Quality Leader 2017-2019
Cybersecurity leader for Valeo CDA and Software Quality. Trainer at Valeo internal Schools (Embedded CyberSecurity, CyberSecurity for Executive,
Cryptography, Secure C coding (CERT/MISRA), Software Quality, Understanding Software for non-software people, Agile & Lean Software Development in automotive environment, Working with Japanese). Security Incident Management, Security Risk Analysis (TARA/TVRA), Security Project Management, Team management, Customer Interface, Standardization of CyberSecurity & software development methodology (processes, coding rules)

Software Quality Manager 2007-2017
Manager of Software Quality department for Comfort and Interior Electronics, Software Senior Expert of Embedded development. Team management, Scrum Master, Customer Interface, Problem report & change management, Standardization of software development methodology, ASPICE certified auditor, Management of Software Quality of Creteil (Paris area), China, Egypt, Germany.

Software Quality Officer 2002-2007
Quality officer for Software department. Preparation to CMMI conformity, ensuring quality on embedded projects.

Senior Consultant 2000-2002
Software quality and Man-Machine Interface consultant: Renault, Snecma, PSA, Thales, EDF...

Sales 2000-2002
Sales & marketing for Programming Research Ltd, UK (QAC, QAC++ tools).

Project leader 1999-2000
Project leader for Graphical User Interface for industrial applications.

Technical Support 1997-1998
Pre-sales for Programming Research Ltd for France/Europe. Technical support manager for SL Corporation (USA, California).

Development 1995-1996
C embedded developer (ALCATEL, French Army, Paris). Management of traffic light for Paris town (VxWorks, C)

Researcher 1991 - 1994
Research in massively parallel computers: creation of // C-like language, the related compiler, debugger, assembler for a 4096 processors research custom computer, custom processor with presentation to French Military Minister.

Trainee 1991 (end of study project, 6 month)
Improvement of Nuclear waste simulator for the research department of EDF.

Student 1986-1991
EFREI, Paris engineering school. End study projects: Ray tracing software with scripting facilities for artistic computer,generated images on Sun MicrosystemTM Workstation.
Creation of a graphic clone of PacMan game for Psion handheld computer, sold by Neuon Ldt in London during 6 years.


  • TechAd, Berlin, 2019 : CyberSecurity of Autonomous cars, solutions

  • 4thAutomotive Sensors & Elec. summit, Munich 2019: Security and Privacy in the automotive industry.

  • 3rd Automotive Sensors & Elec. summit, Munich 2018: Security ranking of automotive electronic products & associated tailoring during product development

  • Ingénieur de l’automobile #847 & CESA 4.0, Versailles 2017: Cybersecurity: lessons learned from car hacks.

  • IFSTTAR, Paris, 2016: Cybersecurity risks & connected cars.

  • ConnectSecurity World, Marseille, 2016: Impacts of cybersecurity on vehicle development and life

  • Genie Logiciel #118 and ICSSEA, Paris, 2016: Cybersecurity impacts of connectivity on vehicle development.

  • Book: 2015 (English) "Embedded software: striving for excellence in development"

  • Book, ENI editions, 2014 (French): « Logiciels embarqués - Viser l'excellence dans le développement »

  • Article, 1992: Development tool chain for SPHINX Multi-SIMD pyramid machine with 4096 custom processors

Editor of alumni EFERI newspaper for two years.

Jérôme DERN
Jérôme DERN
Jérôme DERN


Ca Vous Intéresse
